- Do you want to stay at work, return to work, or get a new job?
- Do you have an injury or illness that did not happen at work that impacts your ability to do your job?
- Have you worked within the last 12 months?
RETAIN Kentucky can help!
Make a Referral
Introducing RETAIN Kentucky
When people leave the labor force because they become sick or have an injury, it can be detrimental—for them, their families, their employers, and the economy. But many injured or ill workers could remain in their jobs or the workforce if they received timely, coordinated assistance to navigate stay-at-work/return-to-work (SAW/RTW) services.
Kentucky is proud to be participating in a collaborative initiative designed to address these issues—the Retaining Employment and Talent After Injury/Illness Network (RETAIN). The goal of RETAIN is to help individuals return to the workforce following an injury or illness, and reap the benefits of gainful employment.
Subscribe to the RETAIN Kentucky Media YouTube page to learn more about stay-at-work (SAW)/return-to-work (RTW) strategies that help people experiencing an injury or illness continue working.